
Authors Title Conference/Journal
Barbara da Silva Oliveira, Nicolas Ferry, Hui Song, Rustem Dautov, Ankica Barisic, and Atslands Rego da Rocha Function-as-a-Service for the Cloud-to-Thing continuum: a Systematic Mapping Study Proceedings of the International conference on Internet of Things, Big data, and Security (IoTBDS), Scitepress, April, 2023
Rares Cristea and Ciprian Păduraru An experiment to build an open source application for the Internet of Things as part of a software engineering course In the proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering Research & Practices
Ciprian Păduraru, Marina Cernat, Alin Stefanescu Conversational agents for simulation applications and video games In the proceedings of ICSOFT 2023
Ciprian Paduraru, Rares Cristea, Alin Stefanescu Automatic fuzz testing and tuning tools for software blueprints In the proceedings of ICSOFT 2023
Erkuden Rios, Eider Iturbe, Angel Rego, Nicolas Ferry, Jean Yves Tigli, Stéphane Lavirotte, Gérald Rocher, Phu Nguyen, Hui Song, Rustem Dautov, Ana Rosa Cavalli, Wissam Mallouli The DYNABIC approach to resilience of critical infrastructures STAM'23 (co-located with ARES), Benevento, Italy
A. Metzger, J. Bartel, J. Laufer An AI Chatbot for Explaining Deep Reinforcement Learning Decisions of Service-oriented Systems In the proceedings of the 21st Int’l Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2023)
Sven Smolka, Jens-Rene Giesen, Pascal Winkler, Oussama Draissi, Lucas Davi, Ghassan Karame, and Klaus Pohl (all UDE) Fuzz on the Beach: Fuzzing Solana Smart Contracts In the proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’23)
Phu Nguyen, Rustem Dautov, Hui Song, Angel Rego, Eider Iturbe, Erkuden Rios, Diego Sagasti, Gonzalo Nicolas, Valeria Valdés, Wissam Mallouli, Ana Cavalli and Nicolas Ferry Towards Smarter Security Orchestration and Automatic Response for CPS and IoT Secure Cloud Continuum 2023 (co-located with CloudCom)
Valeria Valdes Rios, Fatiha Zaidi, Ana Rosa Cavalli and Wissam Mallouli A resilience Component for a Digital Twin The 16th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS 2023)
Ciprian Paduraru, Rares Cristea, Alin Stefanescu Adaptive questionnaire design using AI agents for people profiling Proc. of 16th Int. Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART'24)
Alessandra Somma, Valentina Casola, Ana Cavalli, Alessandra de Benedetis, Wissam Mallouli, Valeria Elisa Valdès A Cyber Digital Twin Framework to Support Cyber-Physical Systems Security Proc. of Smart World Congress 2023
Rustem Dautov, Hui Song Context-Aware Digital Twins to Support Software Management at the Edge. Proc. of RCIS 2023
Valeria Valdes Rios, Ana Rosa Cavalli, Fatiha Zaidi and Wissam Mallouli Testing techniques to assess impact and cascading effects Proc. of International Secure Cloud Continuum workshop 2023
Dragan, Paul-Andrei; Metzger, Andreas; Pohl, Klaus Towards the decentralized coordination of multiple self-adaptive systems Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems, ACSOS 2023
Andreas Metzger, Jan Laufer, Felix Feit, Klaus Pohl A User Study on Explainable Online Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Systems ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS)
Tri Nguyen, An Ngoc Lam, Phu Nguyen, Linh Truong Security Orchestration with Explainability for Digital Twins-based Smart Systems The 48th IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2024)
C. Paduraru, C. Patilea, A. Stefanescu CyberGuardian: An Interactive Assistant for Cybersecurity Specialists Using Large Language Models Proc. of 19th Int. Conf on Software Technologies (ICSOFT'24), vol. 1
C. Paduraru, C. Patilea, A. Stefanescu RLHR: A Framework for Driving Dynamically Adaptable Questionnaires and Profiling People Using Reinforcement Learning Proc. of 19th Int. Conf on Software Technologies (ICSOFT'24), vol. 1
Gérald Rocher, Jean-Yves Tigli, Stéphane Lavirotte, and Nicolas Ferry A Framework Towards Assessing the Resilience of Urban Transport Systems STAM'24 workshop, proceedings of ARES
Barbara da Silva de Oliveira, Nicolas Ferry, Julien Deantoni Towards Leveraging the Concept of Influence to Enhance Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems Development MPM4CPS'24 workshop, colocated with MODELS'24
A. Ilie, A. Stefanescu RobustCheck: A Python package for black-box robustness assessment of image classifiers SoftwareX
Ciprian Păduraru, Rareș Cristea, Alin Stefanescu EBLT — Blueprints testing library using fuzz testing Software Impacts
Phu Nguyen, Ashish Rauniyar (SINTEF) and Toni Valtteri Niemi (University of Oslo) Digital Twin-based Security Orchestration, Automation and Response for IoT and CPS IFIP IoT Conference

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Coordinator: Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation (TECNALIA)
Address: Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Edif. 700, 48160 Derio, Bizkaia (Spain)
Phone: +34-946-430850

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070455

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