Edition 1, No. 2
July 2024 | 2nd Newsletter

Initial version of the DYNABIC Components
The first version of the 7 DYNABIC key exploitable results has been released. Following the DYNABIC architecture and the requirements defined by the use case and technical providers. In the coming months, this initial release will be evaluated in the 4 DYNABIC use cases. The open access components will be made available after the evaluation, in the fourth quarter of 2024, stay tuned!

DYNABIC External Advisory Board meeting
To collect advice and feedback from domain experts, DYNABIC has created an External Advisory Board. This board includes members from academia and industry all coming from different European countries. It follows up the project activities and results, and give feedbacks on the project results from the scientific to the dissemination, exploitation point of views. The first external advisory board meeting took place the 28th of May 2024. The meeting was organized with large slots dedicated to collect feedback and questions from the advisory board members. When requested to comment and provide feedback on DYNABIC, our advisory board members say:
DYNABIC User Advisory Board
As part of the effort to prepare realistic exploitation plans, we have created a User Advisory Board (UAB). The UAB plays a critical role in guiding our technological development, ensuring that the solutions we create are not only cutting-edge but also practical and user-centric. They achieve this through providing feedback to DYNABIC’s technological partners, aiding them in refining their tools and business strategies to better serve potential customers. In particular, the UAB plays a strategic role in the development of the internal practitioners workshop.
To prepare realistic exploitation plans, we hosted the first Internal Practitioners Workshop during the first DYNABIC Day. The purpose of this workshop was to gather practitioners from industry to share their experiences and guide the consortium in creating a robust exploitation strategy. The workshop concluded with several key learnings and actionable insights. It underscored the importance of cross-industry collaboration and the need for continuous innovation to tackle business continuity challenges.
Workshops & Conferences
During the first period of the project, DYNABIC contributed to the organization of 11 workshops. In the coming months, we
will actively contribute to three workshops, namely, MeSS’24, STAM’24, and GRAAL4IoT co-located with major research conferences in the fields of cyber-security, Internet of Things, and soŌware engineering. More will come in the coming months!
In May this year, DYNABIC participated to the ECCO Roadmap Webinar where, Eider Iturbe, our technical manager, gave a talk on Generative AI-supported cyber incident generation. This event was jointly organized with support from ECCO (European Cybersecurity Competence COmmunity), the AI4Cyber HEU project and the AIDE Belgian project. It gathered a large and broad audience, and the presentations are available on the ECCO website.
Last but not least, DYNABIC is now active on the Cyberwatching portal and appears in the Cyberwatching Innovation Radar.
Edition 1, No. 1
December 2023 | 1st Newsletter

DYNABIC in a nutshell
Launched in December 2022, DYNABIC is an EU-funded research project under Horizon Europe (GA ID: 101070455) which brings together 17 partners from 7 EU Member States to develop the DYNABIC Framework. that will enable OES to predict, quantitatively assess and mitigate in real-time business continuity risks and their potential cascading effects.
DYNABIC will elaborate the DYNABIC Multi-Aspect Digital Twin concept and build resilience solutions on top of the use of the MADT of the critical infrastructure under analysis.
«The first year of DYNABIC project was a very fruitiul period where we reached a close collaboration among the partners and established the common vision and objectives of the technical work. The DYNABIC framework architectural design is ready and the partners are excited to start with the solution development.»
Key Objectives
DYNABIC will increase the resilience and busi-ness continuity capabilities of European critical services in the face of advanced cyber-physical threats. This objective will be pursued by deliv-ering new socio-technical methods, models and tools to support resilience through holistic business continuity risk management and con-trol in operation, and dynamic adaptation of responses at multiple planes of action: system, human and organization planes.
Creating the DYNABIC Framework
During the first year of the project, the DYNABIC consortium has conducted research on methods, models, and tools to support resilience of critical infrastructure. The use cases of the project have been thoroughly analysed and their cyber resilience requirements defined.
The architecture of the DYNABIC Framework has been specified together with the usage scenarios for each of the components. Therefore, the baseline for starting the development of the components is now ready.
DYNABIC Dissemination, Communication, Networking and Exploitation
In the first 12 months of the project, DYNABIC partners have determined and began implementing their Dissemination, Communication, Networking and Exploitation Strategy towards the identified stakeholder groups. As a first step, the consortium set up the project social media and branding guidelines and continued with presentations of the project at external events, participation in EU- funded project clusters and organisation of a first workshop. An overview of all our activities can be found in the news section of our website.
Clusters & Synergies:
- European Cluster forvSecuring Critical Infrastructures (ECSCI).
- Innovation Cluster for Electrical Power and Energy Systems (CyberEPES).
- EC Horizon Results Booster (HRB).
- ECCO’s group on resilient systems.
Workshops & Conferences
During its first year, DYNABIC contributed to the organization of three workshops, namely MeSS’23, STAM’23, and SCC’23 colocated with major research conferences in the fields of cyber-security, cloud computing, and sotiware engineering. More will come in the coming months!
Among the key events where DYNABIC was presented, our partner DNSC, organized the Bucharest Cybersecurity Conference (12-13 October 2023), a major event gathering industrials, academics, NGOs, thought leaders, policymakers to discuss current progresses and challenges in the evolving cyber-security landscape. Many speakers, including DYNABIC representaƟve parƟcipated in the event.
This was an opportunity to present DYNABIC vision and Framework. Least but not last, DYNABIC Flyers, pens, notes, stickers, etc. were distributed as goodies!