
This year DYNABIC will be co-organizing the GRAAL4IoT, the First International workshop on the DesiGn, VeRificAtion, and VALidation of IoT Systems. The workshop will be co-located with the IFIP IoT conference that will be held in Nice, France in November 2024

Please consider submitting your recent work to the workshop. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Modelling and design of IoT systems
  • Testing and monitoring of IoT systems
  • Risk Assessment of IoT systems
  • Cybersecurity and resilience of IoT system and Critical Infrastructures
  • DevOps for IoT systems
  • Digital Twin, Simulation and Co-simulation of IoT systems

The workshop is sponsored by several HEU projects.

More details about the call for papers and workshop can be found here: https://ifip-iotconference.org/cfpGRAAL4IoT.html