

The DYNABIC project is co-organising the 5th International Workshop on Safety and Security Testing and Monitoring (STAM 2024) which will be held in conjunction with the 20th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2025) on August 11 – August 14 ,2025 in Ghent, Belgium.

The STAM workshop tries to answer how miss-behaviours and attacks modeling can help users understand the occurrence of malicious behaviors in order to avoid them, and what are the advantages and drawbacks of the existing models. At the same time, the workshop tries to understand how to solve the challenging security testing and monitoring problem given that testing distributed systems is a complex task and security and artificial intelligence will add new challenges and difficulties to be solved.

The objective of this workshop is to share ideas, methods, techniques, and tools about security testing and monitoring in distributed systems to improve the state of the art. In addition to scientific paper presentations, we intend to have one or two keynotes describing ongoing activities in the related areas and demonstrations of some innovative security tools.

Montimage co-chair the workshop and several DYNABIC partners are Programme Committee members, which is also supported by the european projects: CYBERSUITE, INTACT, AI4CYBER, NERO, RESILMESH, NATWORK.