About Us


The University of Bucharest (UB) is currently a leading academic center and a significant point of reference in the Romanian society. The University of Bucharest is rich in history of mare than 150 years and has been actively contributing to the development and modernization of Romanian education, science and culture. In numbers, the University of Bucharest boasts 19 faculties with 97 bachelor programs totaling more than 22000 students and 215 master programs totaling more than 9000 students. In terms of research, the University of Bucharest hosts 22 doctoral schools and currently employs more than 2000 Ph.D. students.

With a manpower of more than 55 academics and more than 45 years of history, the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bucharest is one of the largest, strongest, and longest-established computer science departments in Romania. The department performs research in exciting areas of computer science, blending theoretical topics in algorithms, logic, and formal methods with the latest trends in the industry such as state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. We do not do this alone as we constantly collaborate on European and national projects with peer scientists from Romania and abroad and also with senior practitioners from R&D departments of many companies.

In DYNABIC, UB is involved in almost all WPs, investigating cybersecurity aspects using reinforcement learning and fuzzing. Moreover, UB brings in SSH (social sciences and humanities) expertise aiding in the analysis of human-driven incidents such as insider threats, and, vice versa, consequences of cyber threats on humans as well as in the design of personalised avatars to guide human operators.

Contact us

Coordinator: Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation (TECNALIA)
Address: Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Edif. 700, 48160 Derio, Bizkaia (Spain)
Phone: +34-946-430850

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070455

Follow us


Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia - C/ Geldo. Edificio 700. E-48160 Derio (Bizkaia).
International calls: (+34) 946.430.850.
© 2022-2025 TECNALIA. All rights reserved


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