About Us
SINTEF AS is Scandinavia’s largest independent research organisation and is a non-profit research foundation. We employ 2100 people most of whom are located in Trondheim and Oslo (Norway). More than 90% of our annual turnover derives from contract research for industry and the public sector in Norway and internationally, and we receive minimal state funding (around 6%). SINTEF is multidisciplinary, with international top-level expertise in a wide range of technological and scientific disciplines, medicine and the social sciences.
Our company vision is “technology for a better society”, and this is an important aspect of our societal role to contribute to the creation of more jobs. We act as an incubator, commercialising technologies through the establishment of new companies. The Sustainable Communication Technology department under SINTEF Digital participates the DYNABIC project, and leads the work package on the Multi-aspect Digital Twins and situational awareness for business continuity of critical infrastructures.
Contact us
Coordinator: Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation (TECNALIA)
Address: Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Edif. 700, 48160 Derio, Bizkaia (Spain)
Phone: +34-946-430850
International calls: (+34) 946.430.850.
© 2022-2025 TECNALIA. All rights reserved
- Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
- In addition, we inform you of the possible processing of your social media data through the DYNABIC profiles that TECNALIA keeps available on each social network in which it is present, all following the terms and conditions established in each social network.